Super Diaper Baby #2: The Invasion of the Potty Snatchers kitabını indir [PDF ve ePUB]

Super Diaper Baby #2: The Invasion of the Potty Snatchers yayını türkçe olabilir yada olmayabilir.Super Diaper Baby #2: The Invasion of the Potty Snatchers kitabını dan PDF, Epub veya rar formatında kolayca indirebilirsiniz.


George and Harold (the co-stars of the enormously popular Captain Underpants series) are in big trouble again! Mean principal Mr. Krupp demands that George and Harold stop making comics about poop. Ever resourceful, the boys create a terrifying new character: Rip Van Tinkle, who transforms into a walking, talking puddle of pee and is determined to destroy every toilet in town. Can Super Diaper Baby stop him?


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