A Semantic Study of Vocabulary of the Qur’an A Comparative Study Based on Semitic Languages 2 kitabını indir [PDF ve ePUB]

A Semantic Study of Vocabulary of the Qur’an A Comparative Study Based on Semitic Languages 2 yayını türkçe olabilir yada olmayabilir.A Semantic Study of Vocabulary of the Qur’an A Comparative Study Based on Semitic Languages 2 kitabını ekitapyeri.com dan PDF, Epub veya rar formatında kolayca indirebilirsiniz.


This study is the first example and perhaps the first  draft of a field neglected for more than a thousand years by scholars, since there is no such study made by scholars which handles the semantic of all the words that have been used in common between the Qur’an, and the other scriptures written in the Semitic languages and the epigraphic Semitic languages. Although a comparative semantic study based on the  Semitic languages would contribute in some ways to the Qur’anic studies, no one has produced such a study up to now. Therefore, I decided to put forward the first example of such a study.


A Semantic Study of Vocabulary of the Qur’an A Comparative Study Based on Semitic Languages 2 kitabını Pdf, Epub veya rar formatlarında indirebilirsiniz.
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