Forty Looks on Malcolm X yayını türkçe olabilir yada olmayabilir.Forty Looks on Malcolm X kitabını dan PDF, Epub veya rar formatında kolayca indirebilirsiniz.
The life of a little child named Malcolm Little, which ended
with his testimony on a podium, is like a book of lessons.
How does the light of Islam and the grace of Allah pull His
servant out of the darkness and the unknown? What kind of
existence can come from being lost? How does rightful anger
push a person in different directions? How many falls does it
take for a person to find the truth? How many secrets lie
behind the truth?
Malcolm X’s life is like a bedside book that answers all of
these questions and more.
Malcolm Little. Detroit Red. Malcolm X. El-Hajj Malik El-
These are not just names, but also headings.
His life is a story of searching for the truth by holding onto
the fire of inner search amidst hostility, chaos, and
hopelessness. It is a story of finding the flawless by colliding
with flaws. It is the hope lighted by my Lord for His servants.
If you listen carefully, you can hear the voice rising from the
works that tell his story: “No matter where you are or what
situation you are in, if you are searching for the truth, this
search will lead you to it.”
Forty Looks on Malcolm X kitabını Pdf, Epub veya rar formatlarında indirebilirsiniz.
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