Grammar in Focus 2 with Workbook +CD kitabını indir [PDF ve ePUB]

Grammar in Focus 2 with Workbook +CD yayını türkçedir. Grammar in Focus 2 with Workbook +CD kitabını dan PDF, Epub veya rar formatında kolayca indirebilirsiniz.


Grammar in Focus is a three-level basic grammar series that encourages students to speak and write English accurately and fluently by providing them with a solid understanding of English grammar. This carefully designed four-step learning program offers learners numerous opportunities to discover and practice key grammar structures in a meaningful context. The cumulative curriculum enables students to reinforce and personalize grammar structures so they can use them in real life. A gradual brain-based learning approach encourages learners to commit new grammar rules to their long-term memory. Inspiring illustrations and captivating photos maximize the authenticity of various real-life situations presented in the program.
Key Features :
Brain-based Learning Approach
Attractive, Inspiring Illustrations and Photos
Authentic Activities for Both Grammar and Writing
Easy-to-Use Workbook with Audio CD
Twenty Engaging Lessons and Unit Tests
Five Comprehensive Review Tests
Effective Four-step Program
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Notice & Practice
Step 3: Expanded Practice
Step 4: Revise, Write & Say


Grammar in Focus 2 with Workbook +CD kitabını Pdf, Epub veya rar formatlarında indirebilirsiniz.
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