Şırıl at Breakfast kitabını indir [PDF ve ePUB]

Şırıl at Breakfast yayını türkçe olabilir yada olmayabilir.Şırıl at Breakfast kitabını ekitapyeri.com dan PDF, Epub veya rar formatında kolayca indirebilirsiniz.


Şırıl at  Breakfast, the first book of Şırıl stories written by Elif Karakuş  was published by Erik Publishing in Turkish and English. Our hero, Şırıl, whose character designs are Francis Blake and illustrations by Faruk Gerger, a 5 years old little girl who is energetic, curious, and willing to have responsibilities in her life. It is an exicetement for her to spread her love and smile to people , to the nature and animals around her.
In this story, she is going to help her family for preparing breakfast together, thus she will experience supporting each other, having responsibilities to prepare healthy and nutritious breakfast. Siril and her family are having enjoyable and funny time together while using their creativity at breakfast.
This book is written to touch the hearts of all children and child souls of their parents with love around the world. It will inspire them to create enjoy and fun in their relations where they spend precious time. By this, there will be created new languages for to feel love which can be special souvenir for them.
I will be continuing to write new stories of Siril to inspire you as readers together through spreading our love and values to make the world better and beautiful place to live together as a feeling of being one in this universe .
Elif Karakuş


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