The Turks And The Jews From Besim Tibuk's Perspective yayını türkçedir. The Turks And The Jews From Besim Tibuk's Perspective kitabını dan PDF, Epub veya rar formatında kolayca indirebilirsiniz.
“Nothing is going to be same with Israel. If we remain silent and ignore the truth, Fatih Sultan Mehmet and Yavuz Sultan Selim will turn over in their graves.”
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan-Prime Minister
What did the Jews actually think about the Ottomans and how did they behave?
Did we show progress during the Republican Era or not?
What about the Nobel Prizes,? The Jewish nation, with an only 15 million population, got more then 100 Nobel Prizes. However, there are only a handful of people who got the Nobel Prize in the Islamic world with 1,5 billion believers.
The Jews are quite influential in world finance, trade, politics and technology. They are always present at all of the key points. They used to regard Turkey as their second mother land and give support whenever needed. And now,is the 13-century-old friendship being replaced by hatred and blood?
Join the taking conversation with Besim Tibuk.
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