Great Expectations Stage 3 İngilizce Hikaye (Alıştırma Ve Sözlük İlaveli) kitabını indir [PDF ve ePUB]

Great Expectations Stage 3 İngilizce Hikaye (Alıştırma Ve Sözlük İlaveli) yayını türkçe olabilir yada olmayabilir.Great Expectations Stage 3 İngilizce Hikaye (Alıştırma Ve Sözlük İlaveli) kitabını dan PDF, Epub veya rar formatında kolayca indirebilirsiniz.


(Hikayemizin sonunda boşluk doldurmalı konu tarama soruları ile sözlük ilavesi vardır. )

“Great Expectation” is a book which contains the simplified edition of the novel with the same title by famous author Charles Dickens.
It is the story of a little boy’s journey through which he becomes a respectable gentleman for the sake of the woman whom he loves dearly. Yet his journey is full of coincidences and obstacles which he has to overcome.

Dorlion Readers (Stage 3)
Dorlion Readers is a series of retold and simplified stories which are classifed into 4 stages, each stage consists of 10 story books, in accordance with their degrees of difficulty. The selected stories are chosen among the world-wide known fairy tales, mythological narratives and short stories of famous authors.


Great Expectations Stage 3 İngilizce Hikaye (Alıştırma Ve Sözlük İlaveli) kitabını Pdf, Epub veya rar formatlarında indirebilirsiniz.
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